Articles on: General FAQS

How to do a Quick Search?

So you already have your Charity & Causes, Fundraiser, Events, and Donations Appeals name? And you only need to search on them without filtering to specific list that we have.

We understand, let us show you how;

1 -  To quick search you will need find an icon of magnifying glass.  You be able to find the icon on every page of on top left hand side.

2- Click on the Icon a small pop-up field will appear, insert the name of Charity, Fundraiser  and click enter. Our system will find your data within a minute ( if you waited more than a minute, but it doesn't appear, it may cause  by internet connection). 

Please take note if your charity is not listed in our website, Please email us at so we can invite them to join our family!

Does this help? if to doesn't please connect with us through our Support Desk.

Updated on: 24/05/2024

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