Which countries are SimplyGiving operating in?
Simplygiving currently operates in Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia and the Philippines. Unfortunately, we are not able to support with campaigns outside of these locations. We do plan to expand our services into other locations in the near future. Be sure to check back in again for more updates. If you have any questions or would like to inquire about the possibility of fundraising reach out to our support team at support@simplygiving.com (mailto:support@simplygivSome readersHow to add/upload video to a page?
It is very super easy to upload video to a page. Login to your account and follow these steps: Please take note, screenshot provided is a sample from Fundraising page, however it apply to all account (Nonprofit, Social Enterprise, Corporate) as long your account able to upload a video. Click 'Fundraising Pages Click on 'Gallery' Click 'Add Video URL' or Drag a MP4 format video to that you have locally it save. Add your URL to add from (Youtube,Vimeo) Update GaSome readersDoes SimplyGiving charge?
Starting a fundraising page, registering your non-profit, social enterprise, company, club or society is completely free. There are no upfront costs, subscription fees or long term contracts. However, we do charge a small service fee of 5% on donations collected (excluding payment processing fees). This small service fee helps us maintain and improve our technology, grow an exceptional team of relationship managers and developers to help our partners maximise their online fundraising potentSome readersIs SimplyGiving a non-profit organisation?
We're not a nonprofit, but we work exclusively with nonprofits and charitable causes (i.e. we don't operate in other sectors!). We operate a Social Enterprise business model. The small service fee that we charge enables us to invest in development and grow our support team to help our partners get online to fundraise. We're proud to be Asia'a largest online giving community, but we can't do this without some kind of business model - our 5% fee represents one of the lowest cost-per-dollar fundraSome readersHow am I affected by the PayPal restrictions on Singapore residents donating to overseas charities?
Following a regulatory instruction by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), PayPal will phase out donations to foreign charities by Singapore residents from April 2013. The move only restricts overseas donations, and Singapore residents can still fundraise and donate to the many incredible local charities and causes currently listed on SImplyGiving.com.Some readersHow do I make a donation on SimplyGiving.com?
It is quick, safe and easy to make a donation on SimplyGiving.com via PayPal. All you need is a valid bank card (or a PayPal account)! You can donate in one of the following ways: To a fundraising page: If you have been invited to support a friend's fundraising page, they will likely have given you a specific web address to take you to the right page. If not, you can search for your friend's name in the 'Search' bar on the homepage and scroll down to find them in the 'FundraiseFew readersWhat is the size for Profile Image?
You can set the image dimension to 256px X 256px and the maximum size is 200kb. The format of your profile image should be square. Please take note, profile image does not automatically adjust to fit the dimension. But this will be our future enhancement.Few readersI am an event organiser looking to include an integrated fundraising solution, can you help?
Yes, absolutely! We are always exploring and advancing partnerships with major event organisers across Asia. As the region's largest fundraising website, we work with hundreds of nonprofits and companies to provide a localised online peer-to-peer fundraising solution. In this capacity, we can very easily and effectively integrate with both cause-led and third party mass participation events to add a powerful fundraising dimension. Our senior management team has extensive experience in thFew readersI've forgotten my password, how do I reset?
Are you having trouble remembering your password or logging in? No problemo! Here's what to do. Use the 'Forgot Password' feature on the login page.Click here Here is the steps to help you to retrieve a new password; 1- Click on Log in (top right hand side of the SimplyGiving webpage). Click on the 'Forgot Password' 2 - Fill in you email that you've registered with us and click submit. (https://storage.crisp.chatFew readersHow do I send my enquiry to Support Desk?
It is Awesome to connect with our Support Team - we are always here for you! ;) To send your enquiry to our support desk, you need to scroll down to the bottom of the homepage to find this: You can either click on Our Helpdesk or Submit a Ticket. If you clicked on Our Helpdesk you can send questions by finidng Submit a ticket button: (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdFew readersCan I make a donation using my mobile phone?
Yes, our website has been fully optimised for all devices so you can view and interact with our pages via your mobile or tablet.Few readersWhat is the photo size we can upload in Gallery?
Great news there's no limit on the number of photos you can add to a page. There's no specific dimension for photos and the maximum size is 500kb per photo.Few readersIs SimplyGiving a registered company?
Yes. We are registered in Singapore (Simply Giving Pte. Ltd. 201007560G); Malaysia (Simply Giving Sdn Bhd 925293-A); and Hong Kong (Simply Giving Limited 1901238).Few readersIs SimplyGiving.com mobile optimised?
Absolutely yes! We are fully and completely mobile optimised. Our website is designed with Responsive Web Theme, which basically means that no matter what device(Mobile, Desktop, Phablets, Tablets) you use, it will automatically provide an optimal viewing experience that would ease scrolling, panning and more boring internet technology jibberjabber and lingo. If all your documents, pictures and information that you want to upload on our site are on your mobile, phablet or tablet, youFew readersWhy is my new image or logo not showing on my page?
Have you added new images to your gallery, or changed your charity logo on your cause page, and the new images are not displaying on your page? No problem! The internet is a strange beast! And sometimes changes are not immediately shown due to something called a 'cache' that 'stores' previous versions of your page so that it loads faster. Simple fix: Just refresh your browser, and everything should be fine! If the problem continues, please contact us (/hc/en-us/requestsFew readersWhat is the size for banners?
You can set the banner dimension to 1500px X 450px and the maximum size is 500kb. The format of your banner should be 'Landscape' Please take note, our banner does not automatically adjust it to fit the dimension. But this will be our future enhancement.Few readersHow do I know what my SimplyGiving.com page address is?
Simply visit your page on SimplyGiving.com - the URL will appear in the address bar for you to cut and paste to use on your communications. Fundraisers choose their web address when they create an account. If you want to change it after you have created the page, please contact us through email hello@simplygiving.com or submit a ticket to our helpdesk. Nonprofits can change their web address at any time. Corporates can change their weFew readersCan I create an event on SimplyGiving.com?
Anybody can create the magic, but creating events on SimplyGiving.com is limited to our registered nonprofits or corporates. When we say 'events', these are the pages that appear as a Fundraising Event that other Fundraisers (i.e. your group of supporters) can join. In most cases, an individual or team page should give you what you need for your fundraising occasion, but if you want an event page you can either get in touch with the nonprofit you're supporting, or contact us at hello@simplygiFew readersHow do I change the email address for my account?
Have you change a new email address recently and you have register your (Fundraising Page, Nonprofit account, Club/Society etc.) with an old email that have been deactivated? And you prefer to keep the current account you have registered... Don't worry, we be able to help you make these changes. How? Send us a ticket regarding your changes provided with the all the details ( i.e. Old email and a new email ) Hope this help. Don't be shy to connect with us, with any question you have. Cheers!Few readersHow to do a Quick Search?
So you already have your Charity & Causes, Fundraiser, Events, and Donations Appeals name? And you only need to search on them without filtering to specific list that we have. We understand, let us show you how; 1 - To quick search you will need find an icon of magnifying glass. You be able to find the icon on every page of SimplyGiving.com on top left hand side.Few readersWhat's the difference between 'My Account' and 'Admin' when I log in?
Many people using SimplyGiving.com have registered their nonprofit or corporate using their email address, but would also like to create their own fundraising pages on the website (either connected to their nonprofit or corporate, or entirely independently). In order for people to manage their cause and corporate pages in the same login area as their fundraising pages (meaning they can use the same email address for everything), we have created two areas of your login. The 'My Account' sectFew readersMy password is to long, how do I change this?
Did you received a complicated long password, that you cant remember? Great News! We have made this easy for you. Now you can change the password from your account. How to do this? Login to your SimplyGiving account with the existing password, go to the "User Profile" tab and click on "Reset". It will prompt you to enter the old Password and the new Password that you want to change to. Here is the video to show you howFew readersDoes SimplyGiving have a mobile app?
Unfortunately, not right now. That said, our website is fully mobile optimised so you can view and interact with our pages via your mobile phones, phablets or tablets. Our website is designed with Responsive Web Theme, which basically means that no matter what device (Mobile, Desktop, Phablets, Tablets) you use, it will automatically provide an optimal viewing experience that would ease scrolling, panning and more boring internet technology jibberjabber and lingo. Essentially, youFew readersWhat is the purpose of Show and Hide button?
This action will help you to hide/show (Fundraising Page, Event Page, Donation appeal) that you have created. Actions; Show - The page will be accessible to public Hide - The page will not be accessible to public.Few readersWhy can't I find a charity using the 'Search' bar?
Our current search function can only match exact words. We are aware that we need to widen this to include variations of spelling and abbreviations. This is something we will include in a future update, together with the ability for nonprofits themselves to include meta-tags on their cause page and account. We are also launching a Google Engage programme that will help nonprofits optimise their page further. If you can't find the charity you'd like to support, they may not yet be a partner of SFew readersIs SimplyGiving available in other languages?
Yes. Apart from English, SimplyGiving is available in six other languages, namely Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malaysia, Filipino and Thai. Use the language drop down on the top right of your screen to select your preferred language.Few readersHow to search for Charities, Donation Appeals, Fundraiser or Events?
With our Discover feature it will make it easier for you - this help you to search for your favourite charity, causes, fundraiser or events by location,category or even keyword. Isn't that awesome? Follow the step below and you will be a champion; 1- Click on the 'Discover' button. Our Discover button does not only shows specify on Homepage, you will be able to find it on right top bar which it always be there even though you are not on main homepage. (https://storage.crisFew readersHow to add/upload Photos to my page?
Login to your account and follow these steps: Click 'Fundraiser Pages'. Choose ‘Charity Fundraising’ if the beneficiary is a charity. Choose ‘Personal Fundraising’ if you are raising funds for yourself or someone you care about. Click the 'Gallery' button for the fundraising page you have selected. Click the 'Add Photo' button or just drag-and-drop your image file (JPG/PNG file format, Maximum file size: 10MB per image) to upload the photo. Click 'Update Gallery' to save itFew readersHow do I get my favourite charity or cause listed on SimplyGiving.com?
If you can't find your favourite cause, no worries, all you have to do is find the 'Nominate them here' button (when you are under discover and the charity you are looking for is not found). We will then get in touch with them on your behalf and help them register. Registering with SimplyGiving.com is free, with no upfront costs or long-term contracts, which makes getting started really quick and easy. Do you know someone at your chosen cause or charity? You can help us fast track the processFew readersI need help, how can I contact Support?
Our Support Team will be happy to assist you. Just head on over to our Help Desk https://support.simplygiving.com/en/ and initiate a chat. One of our Agents will be assigned to help you! Live chat support is available Monday - Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm MYT time. If you happen to reach out to us during a non-business hour, our team will be sure to reach out to the email on file first thing on the next business day. If you'd like you can also drop us an email with your question or request to suppFew readersWhat is the status of my application? (October 2024 Onwards)
Thank you very much for checking in on your application. Kindly note that we have undergone a total revamp of our platform and thus new applications that have been submitted between the end of October 2024 onwards are on hold until December month. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. The reason for this is that the old platform will be sunsetted at the end of 2024, and thus it would not make sense to trouble you to create your campaign on the old platform as it will no longerFew readers