Articles on: General FAQS

Is SimplyGiving a non-profit organisation?

We're not a nonprofit, but we work exclusively with nonprofits and charitable causes (i.e. we don't operate in other sectors!). We operate a Social Enterprise business model. The small service fee that we charge enables us to invest in development and grow our support team to help our partners get online to fundraise.

We're proud to be Asia'a largest online giving community, but we can't do this without some kind of business model - our 5% fee represents one of the lowest cost-per-dollar fundraising channels compared with traditional offline fundraising, which is pretty cool.

Above all, please know that you're connecting with a very passionate team here, and we are always happy to help.

If you have any concerns, please feel free to email us at as we're always happy to talk about what we do and why we believe in our work.

Updated on: 24/05/2024

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