How do we promote our cause page on
As soon as you are registered, you will receive an email from us with some helpful hints and advice about promoting your page. But before you do anything else, you should go to your page and spend some time adding interesting and engaging content (a banner image, logo, photos, videos, etc.) so it's an attractive and motivating page for your supporters. Work your way through your charity dashboard so you're familiar with all the functions and options and your page is configured perfectly for yourSome readersWhat is the difference between an event, an appeal and a campaign?
Lots of people ask us the difference between these terms and, to be honest, many organisations use them interchangeably. However, as a loose rule of thumb, you can think of them like this: Traditional fundraising events: gala dinners, golf days, flag days, etc. (events that happen on a certain day) Peer-to-peer Fundraising Events: walks, runs, cycle rides, etc. (events that happen on a certain day and are usually a physical or mental challenge for participants so they are able tSome readersCan we comment on our fundraisers’ pages?
Yes, absolutely! We want to encourage a very interactive online community on our site and across all social media and content sharing sites, which are all fully integrated into our portal. The most effective way to engage with your fundraisers is to use the Facebook social plugin to leave a comment. Not only does this appear on the fundraising page, it's also posted to them on Facebook, celebrating their efforts with their friends, colleagues and family members.Some readersHow and when are funds transferred to my nonprofit?
SimplyGiving transfers funds on a monthly basis, on the 15th of each month for donations collected in the previous month. It gives us time to do our internal reconciliation and set up the bank transfer. So, for example, we will remit all funds raised in the full month of July on the 15th of August. You will receive an email from our Finance Team when they have remitted your funds to your bank account and on top of that they will include a bank remittance receipt and donation report to help ySome readersSubmitting your Nonprofit Bank Account Details
In order for to remit funds raised to your Nonprofit we require your nominated bank account details. These are usually collected by your dedicated Relationship Manager or our Accounts team when you register on the platform. Click here to submit your bank details Important Note: Only nonprofit accounts will be accepted, we cannot remit funds into personal or unrelated accounts.Some readersHow do I change the date of my fundraising event?
You can edit the dates of your fundraising event page from your charity account. Once you have logged into SimplyGiving: 1-Click on 'Fundraising Event and choose the event 2 - Change the start date and end date that you want 3 - Click "Update" to save the new information.Some readersHow do I register my nonprofit with
If you're a registered nonprofit in Asia, simply complete and submit our online registration form. Registration is free with no long term commitment or upfront costs so it's quick and easy to get started with! After we have received this, we'll review your application and email you to confirm you've joined the family. When you completeFew readersWhat data do you collect from donors?
We take privacy very seriously, and afford our donors full control. We collect the data necessary to send receipts via email and post, and pass this onto the beneficiary. Donors can opt out of receiving further communications from us and the nonprofit they are supporting at any time. All information that provided to is protected with best practice industry protocols, standards and technology. Please do read our Privacy Policy, and other legal stuff (https://www.simplygivingFew readersHow do I log in to my account?
When you registered with us, you will have received an email confirming your account's email address and password. Simply click 'Login' at the top right of any page of our website and enter these details to access your personal charity dashboard. If you have forgotten your password, you can follow these steps to create a new one.Few readersHow do I create an Event/Campaign for my nonprofit?
Nonprofits can create specific event, appeal and campaign pages which sit on their main cause page. To keep things simple, we have added extra item under your admin menu: Log in to your charity dashboard/account From Admin menu click on 'Fundraising Events' and click on 'Create Fundraising Event' 3. Follow the instructions on that page to create your fundraisingFew readersHow do we change the banner image and logo on our Nonprofit page?
The ideal format for the logo is a Square format; and for the banner it is landscape format, ideally 1500x500pix. Go to the admin menu of the left side of the page, you will see 'Profile' at the bottom of the menu. Follow these steps; 1-Click on 'Profile' from the admin menu 2-Click on Logo section to upload your organization Logo. Or you can drag and drop in your logo. 3-Click on banner to upload your organization banner. Or you can drag and drop in your banner. 4-Please scroll to bottomFew readersHow do I add donation that is raised offline on our Fundraising Event, Donation Appeal or Fundraiser Page?
With just a few steps and a few clicks away, you can easily add donation that you have raised offline to your page. Follow these few steps: Login to with your registered charity username and password. Click on your ADMIN page (top right on the screen). Look for Events Pro tab on the left side of the menu. Click the Events Pro tab, then this pagFew readersHow do we change the description of our Nonprofit profile page?
Once you are logged into SimplyGiving, go to the "PROFILE" tab (on the left). The details of your organization is on that page. You are able to edit your nonprofit information from there. A few clicks away and a little bit of typing can give you page a fresher look! Check out where you can do all this. 1- Click on ProfileFew readersHow do I create an appeal for my nonprofit?
Nonprofits can create specific appeal pages which sit on their main cause page. Click here to find out more about the difference between these fundraising terms. 1 - Login to your Dashboard/Account 2 - From Admin menu click on 'Donation Appeals' and click on 'Create Donation Appeals'Few readersHow do we update our Admin contact details for our Nonprofit account?
Are you trying to change the email login for your Nonprofit because, the person is who handle the account has resign or the email address is not working and etc. Don't worry the procedure is very easy! You will need to send the new email address and your Nonprofit page URL to and our Team will change it for you.Few readersHow do I delete an inappropriate fundraising page?
It's important for an organisation to ensure that its fundraising activities are in line with their general code of conduct and acceptable fundraising practices. Whilst it is extremely rare, there may be instances where a statement or image needs to be adjusted or removed. When a fundraiser creates a page under your nonprofit, you will be notified via email immediately. Should you feel that pages created by a fundraiser are inappropriate or contravene your code of conduct you can lodge a 'prioFew readersHow do we access our fundraisers' and donors' information?
It's a simple step to access your donors or fundraiser information or even your Donation report. Here is the steps: 1 - Click on 'Reports' from the admin menu From the drop down list provided you can choose which information or report you looking for. For example if you choose 'Donation by Date'. this what you can do; Choose from ( Event,Appeals,Fundraiser page) Choose the start date and end date (if you a specific date that you looking for) 2 - click on 'Filter' 3 -Few readersHow to configure the Tax Exempt Receipt ("TER") setting?
It is very easy to configure you TER Setting, so that you can collect the relevant information required to issue the tax receipts to the donors! Here's the step: Login in to your Nonprofit Dashboard with your Registered Email and Password, Click on 'Profile' from your admin menu and scroll down to the bottom of the page and you'll see 'Tax Exempt Receipt Configuration' section. You given a choice each section to whether make it (Not Applicable, Required or Optional), it all depenFew readersWhat is the average donation amount?
You'll be surprised how generous your supporters are online! In 2012, the average donation on was SG$63 The average funds raised per fundraising page was an incredible SG$775! Hot tip: Identify your fundraising champions and focus on getting them online - it's often your own Board members and staff who lead by example and achieve great results online.Few readersWhat training and support does offer?
When you first register, your Relationship Manager will be in touch to offer you some initial training. They will walk you through how to use the platform and all the areas of your charity dashboard, as well as give you some advice on getting started with online fundraising. They will then be at the end of the phone or email every day to help you find the best way to make this type of fundraising work for your organisation. You also have access to this comprehensive support area (/hc/en-usFew readersCan I sell tickets or merchandise through
We are currently working on a ticketing and merchandise solution to enable our nonprofit partners to sell tickets and products through Keep an eye out for our development update emails, or contact us if you have an urgent requirement and we'll see how we can help.Few readersHow do I manage my personal page/account, since I have register both of Fundraising account & Nonprofit account with the same email address?
Easy! Follow these steps; Log in to your account Dashboard Fundraiser Pages Pesonal (tab) choose the fundraising page you want to edit (Example Page: Personal Tab) Don't get confuse, under the 'ALL' tab will be the list of fundraisers that are registered for your nonprofit and under the 'PERSONAL' tab will be the Fundraising Page that you have created peFew readersOur organisation has affiliated charities/subsidiaries – do they all need a separate page?
If your organisation has affiliated charities which are separately registered as fundraising entities in their own right with their own bank accounts, we would recommend you register them as separate causes on our portal. If your organisation has subsidiaries or a range of different operations handled by different teams, but they all come under the same registered charity body with the same bank account, we recommend you register as one organisation on our portal and spend some time thinking abFew readersWhy my event/campaign still receiving donation, which its already ended?
When you created the event page, you have choose the start date and end date? But somehow you are still receiving donation The start date and end date is not to disable the donation button on the event/campaign page, but when the page reach the end date you have choose, it will automatically not display on your cause page.Few readersHow to access donor information who requested a Tax Exempt Receipt "TER"?
It's a simple step to access your donors information who has requested TER. Here is the steps; 1 - Click on 'Reports' from the admin menu 2 - From the drop down list provided-click on 'TER Request' Choose from ( Event,Appeals,Fundraiser page) Choose the start date and end date (if you a specific date that you looking for) 3 - Click 'Filter' 4 - Click on 'Export' if you want this to save or share with someone. This file will be exported as Excel only. (https://storage.crispFew readersHow do I create a 'vanity URL' (customised memorable URL) to send out to supporters?
Have you noticed that your cause page link is currently quite long? You can create a shorter link (or URL) from your charity dashboard - something easier to remember and nicer to use on printed or online materials. This is called a vanity URL. Want one? Here is the steps: Login to your dashboard Click on 'Profile' from the Site Admin menu item if its for your nonprofit page; or if it's for a Fundraising Event created, go to the Fundraising Event and click on "Edit". Enter your deFew readersWhy can't I delete our event or campaign?
Yes, that is correct you do not have the ability or feature from your account to delete the event/campaign you have created- but you are able to edit it again. However if you and your colleagues accidentally created that same event at the same time and you want to delete one - you can send a request to our Helpdesk which you will need to include the page link that you want to be delete.Few readersHow much does it cost to register my nonprofit?
Registration and full use of the portal is free, there are no up front costs or long term contracts, just a transparent fee structure on Gross Donations. Once you are registered a Relationship Manager will contact you to organise free training to walk you through how to manage your dedicated cause page, access fundraiser and donor reports and other useful tools available on You will also have access to resources that make itFew readersHow much, on average, does a charity raise through your portal per month?
How long is a piece of string!? Your success relies on how you actively promote your cause page. But the magic of peer-to-peer fundraising is that you can reach more like-minded people faster than ever before. Here are some statistics to help you plan: Average funds raised per fundraiser: SG$775 Average number of donors per fundraiser: 9 Average donor opt-in to receive more information: 53% So finding a handful of champions can lead to incredibFew readersHow do I remove/delete an event from my nonprofit cause page?
You aren't able to delete the event page from your nonprofit account IF funds have already been raised. This is to provide an audit trail for donations raised on SimplyGiving. But you can enable or disabled the page so that it will no longer accept donations. Here is the steps; 1-Login in to your charity Dashboard/Account 2-Click on 'Fundraising Event' under the site admin ( readersWho can access our donor and fundraiser data?
Your fundraiser and donor data is held securely on our database and can only be accessed by authorised users via a secure Charity Admin area. We are PCI compliant and take privacy very seriously. To read about our Privacy Policy and other legal stuff.Few readersHow are you compliant with the new data protection legislation in Singapore?
Maintaining the trust of our partners, fundraisers and donors is something that takes very seriously. All information that fundraisers and donors provide to is protected with best practice industry protocols, standards and technology. We believe our privacy policies comply fully with the standards set out in the APEC Privacy Framework, the European Union Privacy Directive of 1998, and the Personal Data Protection Bill recently passed by the Singapore ParliamentFew readersWhat is the size to upload organization documents?
The maximum size for each documents will be 10mb.Few readersAre you a third party fundraising organisation?
No - we are a peer-to-peer fundraising portal. We have built you a safe, powerful, effective way to communicate with your supporters online, and to raise money by enabling them to easily fundraise online in aid of your cause. You own all donor and fundraiser data generated by your page. We simply give you the tools, resources and support you need to maximise your online fundraising.Few readersCan we export our donor/fundraiser data from directly into our CRM system?
Yes you can - but only if your CRM accept as Excel format. At this stage, there is only one format you can export to which is Excel. will introduce CRM plugins in future development to make this process seamless.Few readersI noticed a recent login to our charity account, who else has access?
The charity admin area has a login archive so you can see the last time you or a colleague logged in to the system and accessed your charity dashboard. If you suspect recent activity is not authorised please note that the support team does audit charity accounts regularly, and these may show up as recent activity on your account. It's all a normal part of the security process. If you suspect suspicious activity however, please email us at hello@simplygivingFew readersDo we have to sign a contract or SLA when we register?
Registering with is free. There are no upfront costs or long term contracts. When you register, you agree to our Terms & Conditions, which protect both parties and ensure the necessary privacy, security and data protocols are in place. You can read about our terms in our 'Legal Stuff' section.Few readersHow can we use your site to leverage our corporate support?
Our portal can be used to great success by companies, schools and other organisations who raise money for charity. As you probably know, most major companies in Asia have a Corporate Social Responsibility policy which often includes a remit for their staff to actively fundraise for a chosen charity. Companies can set up their own 'corporate page' on and support their staff to fundraise online through this channel. We have seen great success and inspiring examples in this area.Few readersDo you comply with all Government legislation in every country you support?
Yes, we fully comply with all local legislation where applicable. We are also recognised by the Singapore Charities Commission as one of the crowdfunding platforms that adheres to the Code of Practice for Online Fundraising Appeals. We apply this best practice across all the countries we operate in and support. You can view the Code of Practice here: ( readersHow do you transfer the donations to Nonprofit/Charity?
SimplyGiving will remit fund raised to your nonprofit nominated back account - whereby we remit via bank transfer on a monthly basis. All we need from you, will be your bank details information. Please take note your bank details will be kept securely by our Finance Department. Upon registration and completion of our KYC process, we will send you a secured link to provide us with your nonprofit's bank details. If you wish to update your bank details with us, please email us at hello@simplFew readersWhat happens to our fundraisers' pages when their event is over?
All fundraising pages that have expired will still remain live on our site, but the 'Donate now' button will be in grey and it will clearly state that donations are no longer being accepted on this page. These pages won't appear in any searches.Few readersCan we delete donor and fundraiser data from our account once we’ve exported it?
It is a requirement that maintains accurate records of fundraiser and donor data, but this is accessible only by the nonprofit through a secure, encrypted admin area and is protected by the very best standards of security. View our Security Policy and other legal stuff for more details.Few readersHow do I add photos for my Nonprofit page?
With just a few steps and a few clicks away, you can easily upload photos to your page. Follow these few steps: Please take note, screenshot provided is a sample from Fundraising page, however the steps apply to all account (Nonprofit, Social Enterprise, Corporate) as long your account able to upload a video. 1-Login to with your registered charity username and password 2-Click on 'Gallery' on the left side of the admin menu and follow the steps. (https://storage.cFew readersHow will help us to promote our fundraising events and campaigns?
It is important to remember that is a tool and a resource centre for you and your colleagues to leverage to increase your online fundraising capacity. We are not a third party fundraising organisation and it is therefore not our role to find and bring you new donors - however, we do provide you with everything you need to find these donors yourselves and wFew readersWe are listening! Your feedback made a difference!
In response to your feedback, we have made the following improvement. Now you able to customise your own message to your donors or even connect them directly to your Website. How to do this? Don't worry, it's easy! Just learn from the video below Good Luck and be creative!Few readersI'm having trouble to register my nonprofit/social enterprise
If you are having trouble to register your nonprofit or social enterprise, you can contact us through email: or submit a ticket to our Helpdesk.Few readersWhat do you do with all the donor data you have on your portal?
The donor data belongs to the nonprofit receiving the funds. This data is stored securely using the best standards of internet security and can be accessed via your charity admin area. SimplyGiving will not share these donor data with any 3rd parties. Donors and fundraisers can also opt in to receive updates from, in which case they are subscribed to our newsletter services.Few readersWill we be notified when someone makes a donation?
Absolutely! Those are the emails you'll look forward to receiving. will send you an email notification every time a donation is made either directly to your cause page or via a fundraiser, as long as you are the Beneficiary of the donation. You can then login to your charity admin area and access the donor data to issue a tax receipts (if the donor has requested it) and, most importantly, to thank them!Few logo download
The secret to online fundraising success is to let people know they can support you at! Here are some web optimised logo images you can use (that means they're small file sizes, so they load quickly on your webpage and don't take up too much room!) Top tip: Just right click and save your preferred size to your desktop, then upload to your website! Large Logo (330px x 154px) ( readersHow many authorised people can be given access to edit/manage our page?
Upon you registration you given a choice to add two contacts which is Primary Contact and Secondary contact. As primary contact, you will received the access automatically once the page is live. However as for the secondary contact we can grant them the access as well. If you wish to add more contacts to your SimplyGiving account, send an email to with the name, email address and job function of the person(s) that you wish to add.Few readersHow can we best use Facebook, Twitter and other social media to promote our page?
Using social media to support your campaigns and fundrasing on is vital - but it doesn't need to be complicated or time-consuming. It's a great opportunity to be creative about how you engage with supporters. You should see your social media channels as part of your wider online fundraising 'strategy', alongside your presence and promotion on our portal. They should all link together and reference each other. It is a good idea for one person (or one team) to be responsible forFew readersWill find us new donors?
It is important to remember that is a tool and a resource centre for you and your colleagues to leverage to increase your online fundraising capacity. We are not a third party fundraising organisation and it is therefore not our role to find and bring you new donors - however, we do provide you with everything you need to find these donors yourselves andFew readersWill we be notified when someone creates a fundraising page for us?
Absolutely! Those are the emails you'll look forward to receiving. SimplyGiving will send you an email notification every time someone creates a page and selects you as the beneficiary. You can then visit the page to ensure it is suitable. You can also login to your charity admin area and access the fundraiser data. In the rare instant that you need to delete an inappropriate fundraiser page, the instructions are available here: readersHow do I disabled Donor Pays?
You can find out more about Donor Pays here. We're providing our partners with the best option, and the flexibility to meet your interest. Here is how to disable your donor pays; Log in to your account Click 'Profile' from left side admin menu Scroll to 'Financial Configuration' Un-tick the box Update the page ( readersDo you provide email templates for us to send to supporters or our corporate partners?
We are always happy to help! SimplyGiving can provide our registered charity partners with resources and tools to help you achieve the best possible fundraising result, these include: Customised Fundraiser toolkits Corporate Toolkits Brainstorming fundraising ideas with you! Access to a customer relationship manager to guide you and help you to maximise our fundraising tools. Contact us at if you would like more help inFew readersCan I register the same email address for more than one nonprofit?
The answer is No... Each email address only can manage ONE account. Therefor the limitation is to prevent from messing with sensitive areas of an account. We wish to make this available in the future enhancement.Few readers